Forwarded to n/a (73870f)

Query Metrics

1 Database Queries
1 Different statements
0.66 ms Query time
3 Invalid entities

Grouped Statements

Show all queries

Time Count Info
0.66 ms
SELECT AS id_0, i0_.name_en AS name_en_1, i0_.name_fa AS name_fa_2, i0_.brand_en AS brand_en_3, i0_.brand_fa AS brand_fa_4, i0_.name_brand_en AS name_brand_en_5, i0_.name_brand_fa AS name_brand_fa_6, i0_.erx_code AS erx_code_7, i0_.erx_code_base AS erx_code_base_8, i0_.rx_behdasht AS rx_behdasht_9, i0_.generic_code AS generic_code_10, i0_.mother_code AS mother_code_11, i0_.licence_owner AS licence_owner_12, i0_.brand_owner AS brand_owner_13, i0_.brand_owner_country AS brand_owner_country_14, i0_.producer AS producer_15, i0_.producer_country AS producer_country_16, i0_.name_interactive AS name_interactive_17, i0_.packing AS packing_18, i0_.form AS form_19, i0_.pregnancy_category AS pregnancy_category_20, i0_.other AS other_21, i0_.features AS features_22, i0_.video_id AS video_id_23, i0_.last_price AS last_price_24, i0_.only_doctor_user AS only_doctor_user_25, i0_.status AS status_26, AS id_27, i1_.pic_ext AS pic_ext_28, i1_.type AS type_29, i1_.updated_at AS updated_at_30, AS id_31, AS name_32, c2_.code AS code_33, c2_.level AS level_34, c2_.pic_ext AS pic_ext_35, c2_.features AS features_36, c2_.raychat_code AS raychat_code_37, c2_.visible AS visible_38, c2_.updated_at AS updated_at_39, i0_.license_owner_id AS license_owner_id_40, i1_.item_id AS item_id_41, c2_.parent_id AS parent_id_42 FROM item i0_ LEFT JOIN item_media i1_ ON = i1_.item_id AND (i1_.type = ?) INNER JOIN item_category i3_ ON = i3_.item_id INNER JOIN category c2_ ON = i3_.category_id WHERE i0_.erx_code = ?

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
App\Entity\Item No errors.
App\Entity\ItemMedia No errors.
App\Entity\Category No errors.
App\Entity\LicenseOwner No errors.
App\Entity\ShopSpecial No errors.
App\Entity\ItemBarcode No errors.
App\Entity\ItemIRC No errors.
App\Entity\ItemPriceHistory No errors.
App\Entity\ItemDrugstore No errors.
App\Entity\ItemUser No errors.
App\Entity\CartItem No errors.
FOS\UserBundle\Model\User No errors.
App\Entity\User No errors.
App\Entity\ItemDrugstorePriceHistory No errors.
  • The mappings App\Entity\Cart#addressCity and App\Entity\City#addresses are inconsistent with each other.
App\Entity\SMS No errors.
App\Entity\Address No errors.
App\Entity\MobileVerifyCode No errors.
  • The mappings App\Entity\City#carts and App\Entity\Cart#addressCity are inconsistent with each other.
App\Entity\DrugstoreType No errors.
App\Entity\PushNotification No errors.
App\Entity\Ticket No errors.
App\Entity\Log No errors.
App\Entity\Payment No errors.
App\Entity\BankAccount No errors.
App\Entity\Receipt No errors.
App\Entity\Transaction No errors.
App\Entity\SupplyDrugstore No errors.
App\Entity\Page No errors.
App\Entity\TicketType No errors.
App\Entity\Template No errors.
App\Entity\Setting No errors.
App\Entity\Province No errors.
App\Entity\DeliverType No errors.
App\Entity\Article No errors.
App\Entity\SettingApp No errors.
App\Entity\Brand No errors.
App\Entity\Advertise No errors.
  • The association App\Entity\Menu#category refers to the inverse side field App\Entity\Category#menus which does not exist.
App\Entity\Vitrin No errors.
App\Entity\DrugstoreData No errors.
App\Entity\Contact No errors.
Vich\UploaderBundle\Entity\File No errors.